Featuring colorist Ronda Francis

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


During a conversation with a friend yesterday I realized I should be journaling.

The conversation was slightly serendipitous to begin with, she bringing up a topic I was just having issues with. 

Then she asked if I wrote in a journal every day. 

I told her I used to, and as a matter of fact, journaling was one of the reasons I began to write again.

I could not give her a good reason why I stopped, other than things seemed to start moving in the right direction.

I remember thinking back when I was writing in a journal every morning that doing it was better than therapy.

*  I realized how much I longed to write.

*  I realized how much I longed to draw.

*  Most importantly, I realized I was the only thing stopping me from doing either.

So to make a long post short, I'm journaling again. Twenty minutes, once a day.

We'll see where it takes me this time.


(The book that inspired my first round of journaling: Click here to check it out. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

New Jersey SCBWI Conference

Not a lot of time for posting today.

Getting ready for the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators Conference.

Yes, I am going to look at this as a wonderful learning experience. 

Yes, I am going to meet many people already in the seemingly magical world of children's book publishing.

Yes, I will remain calm.


As calm as I can. 

I am relatively new in the writing/illustrating world, but have revered it from afar since I can remember. 

So to me, this is as good as Disneyland.

Actually, better.

Looking forward to this weekend--hope to meet you there.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

You Are What You Wear--Personal Decoration Power

Writing and drawing as a job at home has its perks.

Sleeping later than the majority, listening to a favorite set list, and a glass of iced tea in my slippers are just some of the working from home advantages.

But there is a dark side.

Lounging in your pajamas day after day can take its toll on your self confidence.

In fact, what you wear daily can have a real effect on how you act day in and day out.

Professor Karen Pine, author of the book Mind What You Wear, conducted a study that instructed students to wear a Superman t-shirt around campus. When asked, these students thought they were more likable, and even physically stronger than the students without "more powerful than a locomotive" t-shirts.

Several cultures believe that being dressed up every day makes them more powerful and more successful. 

It isn't called a power suit for nothing.

Although we are told to never judge a book by its cover, we do it all the time, and will surely continue to do so. We are treated with more respect during an interview when dressed sharp and accordingly, and would be passed over for a job if we showed up in our ripped jeans.

One of my fave "power" necklaces from
Brighton http://www.brighton.com/product/necklaces/36956-133743-133887/shields-of-faith-shields-of-faith-necklace.html
How we wear our hair, the condition of our shoes, and even the jewelry we choose can help increase our confidence. The colors we choose to paint our walls can have a great influence on our mood. Light yellow can make us feel happy and inspired, pink, soothed and calm. Bright red rooms can make us agitated, yet red elements in a white room can center us. More on Feng Shui and color here.

We don't need to get the jewelry out of the safe and wear our power suits seven days a week, but putting on of our favorite necklace or dress might be the difference in feeling great about ourselves, and avoiding the doorbell if it rings because we are not presentable

You are going to put something on today (I hope), it may as well make you feel great.
