Featuring colorist Ronda Francis

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Accidental Coloring Discovery with Tombow Pens and Faber Castell Pencils

I love happy accidents.

Today I discovered that working with Tombow watercolor markers and colored pencils, Faber-Castell Poychromos pencils to be specific, is a match made in heaven.

If you put down a layer of color with the Tombow pens and wait about a minute for it to dry, you can color over the top with colored pencils. This allows for subtle shading and detailing which can be a problem when using markers alone.

I also went over the top of the whole thing with a Uni-ball Signo white pen. This also worked well.

Here is a quick video with a demo. Stay tuned--I'll be doing a whole picture soon.

Have a great weekend!
